16 Apr 2019

Marine hot work Permit to Work (PTW) systems


9 min read

Marine hot work Permit to Work (PTW) systems

Implementing a hot work Permit to Work system can be daunting. Welding, grinding and gas cutting - it's all the order of the day for any shipyard

Welding, grinding and gas cutting, often in confined spaces – it’s the order of the day for any shipyard. 

Shipyard management will know that hot work can be hazardous and needs to be carefully supervised and controlled to prevent fire or explosion. But the logistics of implementing a hot work Permit to Work (PTW) system can be daunting. 

That’s where Liberty can help. 

Liberty’s risk engineers have written a guide specifically for shipyard management, to help them develop an effective hot work PWT system to protect their employees and vessels from personal injury or damage. We call it the Marine hot work Permit to Work (PTW) systems guide.


Published by

Liberty Specialty Markets, Australia.